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eBay Sales Business Information
In 2025, for a top-rated eBay seller, we improved their business information software.
Workflow Automation
In 2024, for a financial management company that has been our client since 2014, we implemented a workflow automation process.
Jasper Reports Migration
In 2023, for an online training provider, we migrated their automated certificate-of-completion creation from the ColdFusion report builder to Jasper Reports.
eBay Order Download
In 2022, for a top-rated eBay seller, we created an automatic download of their eBay orders into a custom Microsoft SQL Server database optimized to their business processes.
Faster PDF File Creation
In 2021, for a financial management company that has been our client since 2014, we added a feature to enable faster generation of the PDF report set they provide to their clients. We custom-made the original software for them in 2014.
Online Spreadsheet Extract for Seminar Business
In 2021, we added a feature for a SF Bay area company that offers professional seminars for dentists. They wanted to extract a certain subset of contact data for manipulation in MS Excel such as for making a sign-in sheet or nametags. We created the extract. We custom-made the software for them in 2018.
Precision Quality Software, Inc. |
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